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This Magento extension allows you to view the last changes made in the configuration settings of the Magento backend. Once you have installed the extension, there will appear a history icon next to each configuration field. Hovering over the icon you can view the modifications/ changes made to the configuration settings.
The Admin can view the following details for each of the modified settings:
Previous value:
Changed by (Admin User):
Changed From IP:
Changed on (Date and Time):
The purpose of this extension is to allow the Admin user to remain privy to all the changes made to a configuration. The Magento extension serves as a log for the values that were changed last.
Using this extension, the Admin can:
- View the last value changes in the Magento backend
- Know who (Admin user and IP) made the changes and when were they made (date and time)
- The information regarding the changes will remain saved until the next changes are executed and saved. The extension will show the immediate last value before the present change.
Note: PayPal method and image/file upload configuration fields are not supportable in the current version of the extension.